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HCG KIT 23 DAYS 2000 IU +$58.95

HCG Diet kits for use with 1500 IU or 2000 IU HCG (Injection) 46 Day Kit Includes: 45 x Insulin Syringes with needles (29g 1cc 1/2" needles) for injection 6 x 10ml Clear Sterile Capped Vial (empty) 6 x 10ml Mixing Syringe with needle 2 x Bottle 30ml Bacteriostatic Water 30 x Alcohol Wipes

HCG Diet kits for use with 1500 IU or 2000 IU HCG (Injection) 46 Day Kit Includes: 45 x Insulin Syringes with needles (29g 1cc 1/2" needles) for injection 6 x 10ml Clear Sterile Capped Vial (empty) 6 x 10ml Mixing Syringe with needle 2 x Bottle 30ml Bacteriostatic Water 30 x Alcohol Wipes