HCG Injections For Weight Loss

HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the female placenta during a normal pregnancy. This medicine’s action is highly similar to luteinizing hormone (LH), because this hormone is known to be able to cause ovulation. If it is combined with other medicines and drugs, HCG Pregnyl is highly effective in helping female patients become pregnant. This drug can also help males patients that are suffering from fertility issues (a treatment with this medicine usually enables such cases to produce a higher amount of testosterone).
hcg injections
HCG Pregnyl is a popular medicine that is regularly prescribed to female patients as part of a regimen that is supposed to induce:
Ovulation induction in subfertility that is usually triggered by impaired follicle-ripening or by anovulation. – Luteal phase support.
HCG Pregnyl is a medicine that is regularly prescribed to male patients because of its ability to induce
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. – Some patients who were suffering from idiopathic dysspermias have positively responded to a treatment with this medicine. – Delayed puberty which is regularly associated with an insufficient function of the gonadotrophic pituitary glands. – Cryptorchidism, (not the one that is triggered by an abnormal anatomical obstruction).

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HCG Pregnyl Warnings

In the case of female patients who want to be treated with HCG Pregnyl:
Since infertile female patients who undergo medically assisted reproduction (especially those who need in vitro fertilization), are known to often be suffering from tubal abnormalities, after a treatment with this drug they might experience much more ectopic pregnancies. This is why early ultrasound confirmation at the beginning of a pregnancy (to see whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or not) is crucial. – Pregnancies who have occurred after a treatment with this medicine are submitted to a higher risk of multiplets. – Female patients who have thrombosis, severe obesity or thrombophilia should not be prescribed this medicine as they have a higher risk of arterial or venous thromboembolic events after or during a treatment with HCG Pregnyl.
Female patients who have been treated with this medicine are usually more prone to pregnancy losses.
Important Information
HCG is given as an injection under the skin or into a muscle. If you use HCG at home, your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist will give you specific instructions on how and where to inject this medicine. Do not self-inject HCG if you do not fully understand how to give the injection and properly dispose of used needles and syringes.Histamine is a substance produced by the body as part of its defence mechanisms. It is stored in cells called mast cells, in almost all tissues of the body. 

HCG Pregnyl Intake guidelines

Ask your physician how and when to take this medicine. You should not disobey any of your physician’s indications. You can also consult the drug’s label for further instructions. If you have any other questions, you should refer to a doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse. HCG Pregnyl should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature that is between 2°-8°C. Keep this medicine away from direct sunlight. Store it in a place that is far from the reach of pets and children in order to avoid unwanted accidents such as poisoning.

HCG Pregnyl Side effects

A prolonged treatment with this medicine is known to trigger several reactions at the injection site (like pain, bruising, redness, itching and swelling). Some patients who had been treated with HCG Pregnyl have experienced some allergic reactions to this medicine that were manifesting as rash, pain or swelling at the injection site. HCG Pregnyl’s rare side effects are known to include fever or rash.

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