Signs you are not drinking Enough Water

Water is of great importance to all living things on the planet, and our bodies are not going to survive without being hydrated the right way. Therefore, the insufficient consumption of water can cause up to lots of health issues and severe conditions, so it should be treated on time.
Here are the signs that your body sends when you are not drinking enough water:
Changed Color of The Urine
Dehydration is often manifested by the changed color of the urine. If the urine has become darker, or even brown, you should immediately increase the intake of water.
Frequency Of Urination
If you are not urinating for several hours, or you urinate less than 2-3 times daily,  you should drink more water, as you are not probably drinking enough. In this case, the kidneys cannot filter out all waste and toxins from the body.
Dry Skin
The skin needs water in order to be smooth and soft, so a dry skin is a clear sign of a dehydration.
Often, we believe that we are feeling hunger, while we are actually just dehydrated. Our body easily mistakes the thirst for hunger, so as soon as you hydrate the body, the cravings will disappear.
This is another common sign of a mild dehydration of the body.
People who lack water in their bodies are often too tired and sleepy during the day, as the normal functionality of the body is drastically reduced.
Headaches are very often a sign of dehydration in the body. If the pain worsens as you bend down to pick up something, move fast or move up and down the stairs, your body lacks water.
Dry Mouth
The reduced release of saliva leads to a dry mouth, but if this issue becomes constant, you might have permanently damaged the throat and mouth, due to the insufficient water intake.
Cramps in The Arms And Legs
Dehydration might also lead to muscle cramps, usually felt in the arms and legs.
When the body loses too many fluids, and it needs water, it might cause lightheadedness and dizziness. In such cases, just drink a glass of water, and the symptoms will be reduced.
In the case of moderate to severe dehydration, one experiences:
·         Fast or weak pulse
·         Sunken eyes
·         Poor skin elasticity
·         Low blood pressure
·         fainting
·         Stomach Bloating
·         Severe muscle contractions in the arms, legs, stomach, and back
·         Convulsions
·         Heart failure
·         Sunken fontanelle — soft spot on a infants head
·         Sunken dry eyes, with few or no tears
·         Skin loses its firmness and looks wrinkled
·         Rapid and deep breathing — faster than normal
Furthermore, in the case of a chronic dehydration, the symptoms get much worse, such as:
·         High cholesterol levels
·         Confusion
·         Anxiety
·         Heartburn
·         Constipation
·         Urinary Tract Infections
·         Premature aging
To prevent all these complications and health issues, and support your overall health and the function of all body organs, make sure your body is always adequately hydrated, and drink at least 8 glasses of pure water daily.

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